submitted by Sara on January 25, 2019
contains animal productscontains dairy productscontains lactosecontains eggs


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For the filling
1½ tsp Butter, unsalted
contains animal productscontains dairy products
1  (ea. 0.11 oz) Garlic, raw
0.21  (ea. 4.20 oz) Bell pepper, sweet, red
2 cups Spinach, raw
1.76 oz Goat cheese, soft
contains animal productscontains dairy products
For the omelet
2  (ea. 1.76 oz) Egg, large
contains animal productscontains eggs
2 tbsp Cream, fluid, light whipping, 30% fat
contains animal productscontains dairy productscontains lactose
1 pinch Salt, Kosher salt, table salt
1 pinch Pepper, black, ground
1½ tsp Butter, unsalted
contains animal productscontains dairy products
For garnishing
1¼ tsp Spring Onions, Scallions, Green Onions, chopped
10.18 ozaltogether (view nutrition facts)


  1. Serving size:
    10.20 oz (calculated)
    Notes: 1 omelet; sufficient as a large breakfast or smaller main meal

    For the filling

  1. In a pan over medium heat, melt the butter.
  2. Add the minced garlic and chopped peppers and let cook for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add the spinach and cook until it begins to wilt, stirring carefully.
  4. Add the crumbled goat cheese and let it melt into the vegetables, about 1 minute.
  5. Season to taste and set aside.
  6. For the omelet

  7. Whisk the egg and cream together and season with salt and pepper.
  8. In a pan over medium heat, melt the butter.
  9. Add the egg mixture and let it sit for 20 seconds, then use a spatula to pull in the egg from the edges to the center.
  10. Wait another 20 seconds and pull the edges to the center again. Most of the egg should now be cooked.
  11. Shake the pan to level it and spread the still raw egg mixture. Let sit for a minute or so.
  12. When there's only a thin layer of shiny, raw egg left, add the filling to one half of the omelet.
  13. Fold the unfilled half of the omelet over the filling.
  14. Transfer to a plate and sprinkle with chopped spring onions.

Nutrition Facts

  • Calorie count
    501 kcal
  • % of calories by macros
    Fat75.6 %379 kcal42 g
    Net Carbs3.8 %19 kcal4.7 g
    Dietary Fiber0.8 %4 kcal2 g
    Protein19.8 %99 kcal25 g
  • Approx. WW SmartPoints™
  • Cholesterol 462.4 mg
  • Sodium 580.8 mg
  • Fat 42.2 g
    • Saturated Fat 24.1 g
    • Trans Fat 0 g
  • Carbohydrates 6.7 g
    • Dietary Fiber 2 g
    • Total Sugars 2.8 g
    • Added Sugar 0 g
    • Sugar alcohols 0 g
  • Protein 24.9 g
  • Calcium 221.5 mg
  • Iron 4.5 mg
  • Magnesium 74.5 mg
  • Potassium 595.1 mg
  • Zinc 2.3 mg
  • Vitamin A (Retinol Equivalents) 815.8 mcg
  • Vitamin B12 1.1 mcg
  • Vitamin C 50.4 mg
  • Folate 184.4 mcg
    • Folic Acid 0 mcg