
Log in and customize your experience

Logging in to DataYourEat enables you to make the site even more useful to you. For example, you can rate recipes and save them in cookbooks, or select allergens you always want to avoid. You can add new recipes or submit photos of the tasty things you cooked - and more!
You can log in with Google or Facebook, or simply use your email address.

Password-less accounts

As mentioned, you can use your email address to log in to DataYourEat. Instead of requiring you to set up an account with a password and all, we simply send a login link to your email address. So you don't have to remember yet another password, nor worry about the safety of your account – it's as secure as your email account.

Signup (first time only)

You must agree before signing up.
Please provide a user name.
Please enter your email address.
