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Net Carbs
Dietary Fiber
+ 244 kcal from fat
+ 7 kcal from net carbs
+ 7 kcal from dietary fiber
+ 111 kcal from protein
= 369 kcal per serving
per serving
369 kcal
per serving
12 ingredients: Cauliflower Onions Garlic Ginger Spring Onions Coconut Coconut Oil Vegetable broth Coconut Milk Thyme Salt Pepper
+ 48 kcal from fat
+ 13 kcal from net carbs
+ 3 kcal from dietary fiber
+ 7 kcal from protein
= 71 kcal per serving
per serving
71 kcal
per serving
8 ingredients: Avocados Coconut Cream Cocoa powder Xylitol Vanilla Extract Cinnamon Salt Coconut
+ 178 kcal from fat
+ 18 kcal from net carbs
+ 22 kcal from sugar alcohols
+ 18 kcal from dietary fiber
+ 16 kcal from protein
= 252 kcal per serving
per serving
252 kcal
per serving
+ 29 kcal from fat
+ 2 kcal from net carbs
+ 9 kcal from sugar alcohols
+ 2 kcal from dietary fiber
+ 2 kcal from protein
= 44 kcal per serving
per serving
44 kcal
per serving
10 ingredients: Butter Xylitol Egg yolk Lemon juice Lemon zest Almonds Cream of Tartar Carob Flour Coconut Xylitol
+ 66 kcal from fat
+ 3 kcal from net carbs
+ 10 kcal from sugar alcohols
+ 2 kcal from dietary fiber
+ 6 kcal from protein
= 87 kcal per serving
per serving
87 kcal
per serving
9 ingredients: Coconut Flour Erythritol Egg yolk Butter Coconut Milk Lemon zest Egg white Salt Coconut
+ 42 kcal from fat
+ 1 kcal from net carbs
+ 1 kcal from sugar alcohols
+ 1 kcal from dietary fiber
+ 2 kcal from protein
= 47 kcal per serving
per serving
47 kcal
per serving
11 ingredients: Almond Flour Coconut Flour Erythritol Cream of Tartar Salt Egg Coconut Oil Pure Vanilla Extract Almond Extract Unsweetened Plum Sauce / Puree / Jam / Jelly Coconut
+ 51 kcal from fat
+ 3 kcal from net carbs
+ 1 kcal from sugar alcohols
+ 2 kcal from dietary fiber
+ 16 kcal from protein
= 73 kcal per serving
per serving
73 kcal
per serving